Groovy CliBuilder 使用
Groovy CliBuilder 使用
直接使用 CliBuiler
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "运行脚本检查 dev 和 master 有没有同步")
cli.with {
pid longOpt: 'projectId', required: true, '需要 projectId ', type: String.class
pt longOpt: 'privateToken', required: true, '可以访问 gitlab api 的 token', type: String.class
def opt = cli.parse(args)
String projectId =
String privateToken =
option 的参数如下
Property | Type | Picocli equivalent | Description |
argName |
String | names |
Short name for the option, will be prefixed with a single hyphen. |
longOpt |
String | names |
Long name for the option, will be prefixed with two hyphens unless acceptLongOptionsWithSingleHyphen is true . An option must have either a long name or a short name (or both). |
args |
int or String | arity |
args indicates the number of parameters for this option. A String value of '+' indicates at least one up to any number of parameters. The minimum number of parameters depends on the type (booleans require no parameters) and the optionalArg setting. args can often be omitted if a type is specified. |
optionalArg |
boolean | arity |
If optionalArg=true , then args=3 is the equivalent of arity="0..3" in picocli. When optionalArg=true , args='+' is equivalent to arity="0..*" . |
required |
boolean | required |
If true , this option must be specified on the command line, or an exception is thrown. |
type |
Class | type |
Option parameters are converted to this type. The underlying library has built-in converters for many types. A custom converter can be specified with the convert property. |
convert |
Closure | converter |
A closure that takes a single String parameter and returns an object converted to the type of this option. The picocli equivalent is the [ITypeConverter]( interface. |
valueSeparator |
char | splitRegex |
The character used to split a single command line argument into parts. |
defaultValue |
String | defaultValue |
The value the option should have if it did not appear on the command line. The specified String value will be split into parts with the valueSeparator and converted to the option type before it is set. |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
package com.hangox.codetest.cli
import groovy.cli.Option
import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
class MyOption {
shortName = "pid",
longName = "projectId",
description = "需要 projectId",
optionalArg = false
String pid
shortName = "pt",
longName = "privateToken",
description = "可以访问 gitlab api 的 token",
optionalArg = false
String privateToken
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "运行脚本检查 dev 和 master 有没有同步")
def opt = cli.parseFromInstance(new MyOption(), args)
String projectId =
String privateToken = opt.privateToken
String checkBranch = "dev"
String targeBranch = "master"
String notifyGroupId = '1466753'
String baseUrl = ""
properties = ['requestProperties': [
'Accept' : 'application/json',
'PRIVATE-TOKEN': privateToken
String resultText = "$baseUrl/projects/$projectId/protected_branches/$checkBranch".toURL()
def result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(resultText)
def devAccessLevel = (result['push_access_levels'] as List)[0]['access_level'] as Integer
// 如果是0 表示 dev 已经锁定
if (devAccessLevel != 0) {
// 不是锁定的 dev 如果有 master 没有包含在 dev 中,就是表示有问题
boolean isDevContainMaster = false
resultText = "$baseUrl/projects/$projectId/repository/commits/$targeBranch/refs?type=branch".toURL().getText(properties)
def containsResult = new JsonSlurper().parseText(resultText) as List
containsResult.forEach {
def branchName = it['name']
println branchName
if (branchName == checkBranch) {
// 有些东西有特殊符号在前面
isDevContainMaster = true
if (!isDevContainMaster) {
// dev 没有包含 master 的头部,发送 popo 通知
println "有东西不在 dev 上开始通知"
def message = URLEncoder.encode("检查到 master 上还有内容还没合并到 dev 上,请尽快合并", "utf-8")
def popoResult = "$notifyGroupId&msg=$message".toURL().text
print popoResult
} else {
println "master 所有东西都在 dev 上了"
} else {
println "dev 还在锁定跳过检查"
CliBuilder 有两个,groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
这个才是 option